Hello Mickey!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Summer Class Shenanigans

The start of my summer class is as nerve wracking and exhilarating at the same time. Well, even the night before Monday, I wasn't able to sleep well and the thought of school really pulled my strings. I was excited! I was really determined to pull my grades up now. I know 2nd semester was really scary and to say the least, I learned my lesson.
I was nothing near productive and my way of studying wasn't even conducive. I was a mess and I nearly failed! Guess that "near to death" experience really open up a new door and made me realize my studies should be taken care of now. 
I don't want to flunk and be a failure now. I have big dreams, I have never ending hopes and I still have to fulfill my destiny! If you know what I mean.
It may sound cliche, but this year's summer class will be different! It will be something worth looking for and as for my 3rd year in college, I will start everything from scratch! 
I know it will be hard but I think I can manage. I hope. ;)


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