Hello Mickey!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Im Officially Missing Y.O.U

It's already 2 Am and I cant sleep. Damn! What's wrong with me? Am I missing something? Or someone? LOL. Facebook and twitter are my bestfriends right now. It's so cold and it's really nice to cuddle up with your favorite pillow and blanky, but I just dont feel like sleeping right now. Maybe tomorrow I could sleep more.

 I really need Hermes's flock of sheep.

But honestly, I dont want to close this eyes. I really want to see HIM. oh well... He's on vacation now, and Im happy he's having a good time. I just miss him! He'll be back on wednesday though, then were happy again.


For now, Im the only one who's wide awake in our house. Everyone is sleeping and maybe having some sweetdreams right now. Good for them. Everytime I go to sleep, I always end up having bad dreams! And he is always in it! :( It freaks me out though...But one time, just one time. He was in my "good dream", though I coudn't say it was good. LOL. Anyways, Im out of the topic now....

My point is, I just cant sleep thats why I wrote this little thing.

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